|   (441) 295 4540   |   Second Floor, Swan Building 26 Victoria Street Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

Bermuda Bar Council policy on providing members with Certificates of Good Standing (“COGS”). Please be advised that as from April 2009, whenever Bar Council is requested to produce Certificates of Good Standing (“COGS”) for any members of the Bermuda Bar Association, there will be a charge of $200 per certificate for this service.


Please note that Bar Council traditionally can only attest to the good standing of an Active financial member of the Bermuda Bar Association. However, requests can be made from Inactive former members of the Association, details of which will be limited to cover the duration of time that the former member was a financial member of the Bermuda Bar Association.  


COGS can only be requested and issued once member activation with the Bermuda Bar Association is complete and not from the date that the member name has been added to the Roll of Barristers, or the Book of Registered Associates kept by the Registrar of the Supreme Court.  


Requests for COGS should be made via email to the Secretary at being mindful of the fact that it will usually take 3 business days to prepare the document. Payment is to be included with the application letter. Only in exceptional cases will “rush” applications be considered. COGS will show the following:


1. The subject attorney's full name
2. Year of call to the Bermuda Bar (or in the case Registered Associates, date of their acquiring that status)
3. The firm with which the subject attorney is associated
4. Confirmation that the subject attorney's name remains on the Roll, or, in the case of a Registered Associate, still on the book located at the Supreme Court
5. Whether or not the subject attorney has any disciplinary findings against him/her, or, is currently the subject of an ongoing investigation under part V of the Bermuda Bar Act 1974.


April 3rd, 2009