|   (441) 295 4540   |   Second Floor, Swan Building 26 Victoria Street Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

Membership fee due no later than November 30th of each year and covers the period 1 January through 31 December of each application year. Registration is permitted throughout the year for pupils admitted to the Bermuda Bar, new Registered Associates and any member of the Bermuda Bar who remains in good standing and meets the requirements to re-activate membership. Newly employed Registered Associates landing in Bermuda or who are employed with an overseas affiliated law firm registered in Bermuda on, or after 30 June shall pay 1/2 of the requisite annual fee and any member re-activating membership, or pupils admitted to the Bermuda Bar after 30 June shall pay 1/2 of the requisite fees (membership fee, FPP fee and where required PC fee) R.S.10(1)(2). Fees are FIRM and are not pro-rated by each month. Bermuda Bar Association (Organization) Rules 1975 apply.  


MEMBERSHIP FEES 2024 and 2025

*The AML/ATF Board will invoice each law firm directly for the 2025 budget year:


In-House Counsel employed in Bermuda (advising company or business on Bermuda law):
Membership fee: Admitted to the Bermuda Bar (under 10 years $850) (over 10 & under 20 years $950) (over 20 years $1, 050)
Practising Certificate fee: $25

Fit & Proper Person Application: $100

Total due: Fee + $25 + $100 =  ($975) or ($1, 075) or ($1,175)


Barristers & Attorneys employed with a Bermuda law firm:
Membership Fee: Admitted to the Bermuda Bar (under 10 years $850) (over 10 & under 20 years $950) (over 20 years $1, 050)
Practising Certificate: $25
Fit & Proper Person Application: $100

Total due: Fee + $25 + $100 = ($975) or ($1, 075) or ($1, 175)


Registered Associates employed with a Bermuda law firm:
Registered with the Supreme Court of Bermuda: (under 10 years $850) (over 10 & under 20 years $950) (over 20 years $1, 050)
Fit & Proper Person Application: $100

Total due: Fee + $100 = ($950) or ($1, 050) or ($1, 150)

*Registered Associates who have met the 12 months residency requirement and are admitted to the Bermuda Bar during the time of active membership with the Bar Association are required to apply for a Practising Certificate upon admission. Payment of $25 is required at this stage. The name of the Registered Associate is then removed from the Book of Registered Associates kept by the Registrar of the Supreme Court and is placed in the Roll of Barristers. The Bar website Practicing member section will also reflect this change.    

*Barristers & Attorneys who regularly conduct approximately 300 hours of Legally aided work annually qualify for a discounted member fee rate (subject to confirmation from the Legal Aid Office). 

Member Fee Table 2008/9 (Fees remain unchanged for practising years 2023 and 2024)